Magi Law Arbitration Policy and Fees
What is Arbitration?
Arbitration is a proven cost-effective alternative to litigation. Arbitration is the submission of a dispute to one or more impartial persons for a final and binding decision. These decisions are made in writing and are generally final and binding on the parties in the case.
What is the Arbitration process?
Preliminary Hearing – This meeting, conducted by the arbitrator, provides opportunity for the parties and the arbitrator to discuss the substantive issues of the case. In this step, procedural matters such as the exchange of information, witness lists, etc., also will be discussed.
Information Exchange – Parties make ready their presentations, and the arbitrator can address any impasses or challenges related to information sharing. The purposed outcome of this stage is to arrive at the point where evidence and arguments may be presented in the hearings.
Hearings – Sessions where parties have opportunity to present testimony and evidence to the arbitrator in order to arrive at resolution. Parties may also be provided opportunity to submit additional documentation post hearing if permitted by the arbitrator.
Decision/Award- The arbitrator finalizes the record regarding the case and issues a decision, inclusive of an award.
What is the role of the Arbitrator?
An Arbitrator is an impartial facilitator with no vested interest in the outcome of a dispute. The Arbitrator provide an informal venue where all parties present legal arguments, evidence and rules on motions, objection and the final outcome of the issue(s) presented.
What is it going to cost?
Magi Law’s Arbitration fee is $1800.00 per day. A Full day includes two (2) hrs. minimum through eight (8) hrs. maximum. Arbitration cost are usually divided equally amongst the parties unless otherwise agreed to or ordered by the court.
Cancellation/Postponement/Late Attendance
Magi Law requires Thirty (30) days’ notice prior to the arbitration date for cancellation or postponement before arbitration date in order to cancel without incurring a charge. If cancellation occurs within thirty days (30) days of the arbitration hearing date the full arbitration fees will become immediately due.
Travel Time:
The cost of travel, overnight stays, meals and lodgings are not included in the pre-day fees and will be included in a billing statement.
In addition, Magi Law also litigates arbitration disputes. Should you require an advocate, these fees are negotiable and are different from Arbitrator fees; please call our offices at (407) 796-1LAW to get a free consultation on your matter.
Arbitrations Services Areas:
- Personal Injury
- Business/Commercial
- Contract Disputes
- Labor Disputes
- Insurance
- Education Disputes
- Professional Fee and Malpractice Disputes
- Partnership Disputes
- Probate Disputes
Note: For Arbitration service please contact my office @ 407-796-1LAW.